Miami, FL --April 12, 2021 --InvestorsHubNewsWire --4Cable TV International, Inc. (OTC:CATV) (the "Company") CATV: A grouporiented to become a global leader in Cannabis based productsmarkets, today announce that they have filed as of April 5, 2021the Annual Reports for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and asof April 6, 2021 the Legal Opinion, Adequate Current Informationand for the Period Ended December 31, 2015, the Legal Opinion,Adequate Current Information and Disclosure Filing by 4Cable TVInternational, Inc., (CATV) Annual Report for the Period EndedDecember 31, 2016, the Legal Opinion, Adequate CurrentInformation and Disclosure Filing by 4Cable TV International, Inc.,(CATV) Annual Report for the Period Ended December 31, 2017 and theLegal Opinion, Adequate Current Information and Disclosure Filingby 4Cable TV International, Inc., (CATV) Annual Report for thePeriod Ended December 31, 2018.

The company by the foregoingfilings and those made on February 17, 2021 and February 24, 2021has covered all pending disclosures. The filings signalthe intention of the company to become fully transparent to ourshareholders. Now the company is focused on hiring a PCAOBauditing firm so we can upgrade to fully reporting as we movecloser to reaching our goals of full transparency. At thesame time, we will use our best efforts to establish an appealinggroup of business units that will accomplish the expectation of afast-growing market. With these filings, this allows thecompany to move in the right direction towards changing the name ofthe company. While addressing the administrative issuesrelated to the company, the Company is working hard at creatingrevenues.


This week marks the firstUPICK Hemp Weekend at the CIGN farm that will continue until thelast plant is harvested sometime in July. This U pick willallow the company to share with the public the experience andlearning of hemp as the future crop of America. Allshareholders are invited to attend and share in theexperience. At the UPICK, we will have music, drinks, foodavailable from the Hip Bistro menu, doctors certifying patients fortheir Medical Marijuana Cards, products available for sale, andeducation on how to grow, trim, dry and speak to professionals thatcan explain the benefits of the plant. This marks thebeginning of the revenues expected in CIGN from the seeds that wereplanted both this year and end of last year. Everythingbegins with planting a seed and reaping the fruits of the hardlabor that went into nurturing the plants. As we begin ourharvest, what better way than to let the public come in and learnwhile allowing CIGN to sell its products at a retail level.Find the time to come and be a part of the UPICK HempWeekends.


For sales to be successful,Karma Snacks has been hard at work to launch the rebranding of allthe businesses acquired by CATV and they will begin to release thenew looks as they become available. Since this is a work inprogress and an ongoing job, versions will be uploaded as they aredeveloped, edited and perfected.

Currently the followingwebsites are being deployed in a version 1.0 formats so that we canobtain comments and beta test:


CATV by way of Healthcare and WellnessClinics of America and its HIP Bistro, has concluded the terms fora new Joint-Venture (“JV”) with Cannibble Foodtech Ltd., an Israelideveloper and manufacturer of CBD infused edibles to sell andexport CBD-related edibles using the CBD grown by CIGN at thecompany’s cannabis grow and to soon manufacture the edibles at afuture joint Cannabis manufacturing facility in Florida,US.

CannibbleFoodtech Ltd., owner of the brand “The Pelicann”, is an Israelifood-tech developer of pre-mixed powders enhanced with cannabinoidsand hemp products. The products are proposed for a personal usewith a ‘single-serve’ packages and proposed for kiosks andconvenience stores for instant serving of freshly preparededibles. The new JV products line will include all ofCannibble’s CBD infused edibles asCannaMix™,CannaShake™, CannaShake Sports™, CannaSpices™ andCannaPop™.

Yoav Bar Joseph, Cannibble’sCEO comments, “We are excited to create this Joint Venture with Mr.Feldenkrais and his outstanding cannabis abilities and facility.Cannibble’s main goal is to expend into international territorieswith more local production lines. This type of JV is exactly whatwe are looking to have with great cannabis companies from aroundthe world”.


The newly formed NationalHispanic Cannabis Council names Michael Feldenkrais as one of itsBoard of Directors. https://nhccouncil.org/about-us The NationalHispanic Cannabis Council is a purpose-driven nonprofitorganization created by progressive thought leaders in the cannabisbusiness to address the current under representation of U.S.Hispanics participating in the cannabis industry and help todemystify through educational programs the health and wellnesspower of cannabis to break down long held cultural taboos andbeliefs. The organization is propelled by a combination ofeducational spirit, Hispanic cultural heritage, and passion for theHispanic market. As one of the Board of Directors, MichaelFeldenkrais, says: “It is an honor to be a part of thisselective group of Members in launching this National HispanicCannabis Council. I have been working in the Cannabis spacefor the last 7 years to find cures for diseases.Unfortunately, the United States has been slow to open the doors tothis issue while the rest of the world is moving much faster tofind true medicines. It is this organization that can leadthe way towards international uniformity as the South American andother Hispanic countries pave the way towards creating truemedicinal products. Hispanics are underrepresented in theCannabis space and these new countries entering the Cannabis spaceneed guidance. This organization will become the liaisonbetween these countries and Cannabis, and as I stated earlier, I amproud to be a part of it.”

About 4Cable TVInternational, Inc.
4Cable TV International,Inc. (OTC:CATV) seeks to create and operate a fully integrated globalcannabis business, ranging from growing to retailing. To accomplishthis strategy, the Company is actively seeking acquisition targetsin the cannabis industry. The Company has consolidated itsoperations into the facilities located at 23100 SW 192nd Ave,Miami, FL 33170.

Cautionary NoteRegarding Forward-LookingStatements

Statements in this pressrelease regarding 4Cable TV International's business that are nothistorical facts are "forward-looking statements." Examples offorward-looking statements include, among others, statementsregarding the Company's future business and prospects, strategicplans and strategic transactions. Forward-looking statements areneither historical facts nor assurances of future performance.Instead, they are based only on the Company's current beliefs,expectations and assumptions regarding the future of its business,future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events andtrends, the economy and other future conditions. Becauseforward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subjectto inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circ*mstances thatare difficult to predict and many of which are outside of theCompany's control. The Company's actual results and financialcondition may differ materially from those indicated in theforward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on anyof these forward-looking statements. Important factors that couldcause the Company's actual results and financial condition todiffer materially from those indicated in the forward-lookingstatements include, among others: general economic and financialconditions; consumer demand for Cannabis products and services;volatility in the trading markets and the lack of liquidity in theCompany's common stock; the Company's ability to successfullyexecute on its new Cannabis strategy; the Company's limitedoperating history in the Cannabis business; the legal status of theCompany's Cannabis business, both in the U.S. and abroad; risksinherent in the Cannabis business; existing and new U.S. andforeign government regulations and changes in regulatoryrequirements; risks related to rules and regulations at the U.S.federal, state and municipal levels and applicable foreignjurisdictions with respect to Cannabis; the Company's ability toobtain financing or raise capital on favorable terms or at all inorder to execute its business strategy; the Company's ability tosuccessfully identify and integrate acquired businesses; risksassociated with conducting operations in foreign countries; andrisks associated with engaging in transactions with third parties,including related parties. For a discussion of additional generalrisks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differfrom those contained in the forward-looking statements, see CATV'sOTC Market filings. Any forward-looking statement made by inthis press release is based only on information currently availableto the Company and speaks only as of the date on which it is made.The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update anyforward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may bemade from time to time, whether because of new information, futuredevelopments or otherwise, except as required bylaw.

Location: Miami,FL
Email: info@4cabletvint.com
Website: www.4cabletvint.com

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